
We are located in West Hartford, CT. We extend a warm welcome to all who embrace the joy of photography. Visitors and guests are encouraged to join us in discovering the art of light. All skill levels are welcome to enjoy workshops, field trips, competitions and informational speakers.

Benefits of Membership

Schedule of Upcoming Events

NEW Important changes to competitions! NEW

01a Old Lyme CT 0348 Shore Rd x Lieutenant R S Potashner
02a 20220531_ChirichahuaMountainsAndHellerHouse_0929 B Miller
03a Storm Clouds 9-24 P Hastings
04a Steve Silk – Kirkjufell Glow-Iceland
05a LightandShadow S Tetrault
06a Resting-Edit B-Edit-Edit J Oliphant
07a Teitelbaum – Pilgrim Praying in Lalibela
08a 00932 2024-01 Mark Teitelbaum Dolomite Landscape
09a 00969 2024-02 Tom Griswold snowy_owl_
10a 2023-03 Fink Paula NoseToNoseNat 2023-03
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