The COPS Digital Projector

During club workshops and other presentations, a presenter usually shows images and videos to an audience by projecting them from a laptop computer onto a large screen. The COPS digital projector, a Canon SX80 Mark II, can be used for this purpose when connected to a laptop with an HDMI cable. For those who are interested, the projector’s User’s Manual can be downloaded here.
A common problem with projectors is that the colors they display often have a green or yellow cast because of the construction and/or the age of the projector’s bulb. To correct this problem, the projector’s color output is compared to a standard set of colors and corrections are written into a file called an ICC profile.
To insure that the projector displays colors accurately during a presentation, the file containing its ICC profile must be installed into the laptop connected to the projector. The COPS projector’s ICC profile file, as well as instructions about how to install and use the ICC profile on Windows and Mac computers, can be downloaded here.